Have Your Washing Machine Functioning Well With These Five Tips!

Your washing machine is an essential household appliance. Laundry piling up? A smooth wash will make quick work of it. Designed for convenience, these appliances also need to undergo basic care and maintenance in order to function at their peak and minimize any damage as the years go by. Our experts have outlined 5 tips to help you make sure your washing machine is in good working condition.

Don’t overload

Each appliance has its own capacity and so does your own washing machine! Make sure you don’t overload your washing machine as this can severely damage your washer and cost you a lot in terms of repairs! Separate your load into smaller sections to ensure each load is washed properly and your appliance is working at peak efficiency.

Inspect the hoses

Make it a point to inspect your hose pipes at least once a month for good measure! You need to look out for any cracks and bulges. If the hoses are loose then there’s a pretty high chance of you experiencing a leak so make sure they’re all perfectly fitted and tight. If you’re experiencing any problems with your hoses, make sure to call Nationwide Appliance Repairs ASAP before the problem worsens!

Perform an interior clean

Just like the outer surface of your appliance needs cleaning, so does the interior! If you avoid doing this, you might notice your washer starting to give off foul smells after a wash and growing mold. Make it a point to perform an interior clean at least once a month!

Pick the right detergent

There’s a range of washing detergents available on the market designed to suit different laundry needs. Not all detergents will go with your washer. For example, if you use a top load fully-automatic washer, you’ll need a detergent with more foam.  A front load washer will require a detergent that produces less suds. Make sure to get the right detergent for your washer.

Clean the rubber gasket

The rubber gasket protects your clothes from getting damaged as well as your hands too from sharp edges! Keep in mind that dust, detergent and softener residue can all accumulate here and make it more prone to wear and tear so pay attention to the rubber gasket when cleaning.

If there’s any fault with your washer, make sure to get it professionally serviced. Call us for a prompt repair!

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